Intimacy is an important aspect of any healthy relationship, however, for some women, the experience of pain and discomfort at the time of sexual intercourse (dyspareunia) can be quite distressing. Read on to know the symptoms and causes of dyspareunia from the best gynaecologist doctor in Behala.


One of the main symptoms of dyspareunia is experiencing pain before, during, or after sexual intercourse. This pain can range from mild discomfort to stabbing, sharp sensation. Women might experience such discomfort in their genital area, including the vaginal entrance, clitoris, labia, or deep in the pelvis. The pain might appear upon penetration or at the time of sexual activity.

Apart from physical discomfort, dyspareunia can also cause emotional distress and strain on intimate relationships. Women might therefore, develop anxiety and fear around sexual intercourse, resulting in complete avoidance of participation altogether.


Several factors can result in dyspareunia. Below, the top gynaecologist doctor in Behala has explained the causes of this condition.

1. Vaginal dryness: Insufficient lubrication can result from certain factors like hormonal changes (especially due to menopause), insufficient arousal prior to sexual intercourse, and some medications. Lack of lubrication can cause discomfort and friction during penetration.

2. Pelvic floor disorders: Conditions that affect the ligaments, muscles, or connective tissues of the pelvic region, like muscle spasms and pelvic floor dysfunction, can contribute to dyspareunia.

3. Infections: Some infections, like UTIs or Urinary Tract Infections and STIs or Sexually Transmitted Infections, can result in pain and inflammation at the time of sexual intercourse.

4. Injury or trauma: Childbirth, previous surgeries, or trauma to the genital area can result in the formation of scar tissue or nerve damage, leading to pain during sex.

5. Psychological factors: Anxiety, stress, or past traumatic experiences can cause the development of dyspareunia. These factors might cause the involuntary tightening of the pelvic floor muscles, causing pain while engaging in sexual intercourse.


Gynaecologists recommend the following treatments for dyspareunia, depending on the underlying cause.

1. Medical treatments: Addressing hormonal imbalances and underlying infections through medications can help in alleviating the symptoms of dyspareunia.

2. Physical therapy: Some physical therapies combined with certain relaxation techniques help manage pain-related muscle spasms or tightness.

It’s important to reach out to healthcare professionals and discuss concerns related to this condition without any hesitation to address it effectively. By recognizing the symptoms of dyspareunia and understanding its causes, women can seek appropriate medical guidance from the best gynaecologist to find relief from it and enjoy intimate relationships.